Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Objective C on Windows

As part of my long journey of study, I decided to learn new things every day. Today, I chose to learn Objective C. And let's learn it on Windows!

I. Installation
To start with Objective C on Windows, you will need GNUstep - a open sourced version of Cocoa framework. You can download it from's downloading page under Download section, or you can download dedicated installers . If you choose dedicated installers, install each of the following packages in order (Basically you should install GNUstep MSYS System, GNUstep Core and GNUstep Cairo)

GNUstep MSYS SystemRequired0.30.0-MSYS/MinGW System
GNUstep CoreRequired0.34.0-GNUstep Core
GNUstep DevelOptional1.4.0-Developer Tools
GNUstep CairoOptional0.34.0-Cairo Backend
ProjectCenterOptional0.6.1-2-IDE (Like Xcode, but not as complex)
GormOptional1.2.20-2-Interface Builder (Like Xcode NIB builder)

Another choice is to install MinGW with options to include GNUstep core packages.

II. Hello World Program

Create a GNUmakefile as below and save it as a [.mak] file:
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
# make a simple program in Objective-C, call it HelloWorld
TOOL_NAME = HelloWorld
# The implementation Objective-C file which is going to be compiled
HelloWorld_OBJC_FILES = hello.m
# Header files of your project
#HelloWorld_HEADER_FILES = xxx.h //here goes all header files (.h). For the moment, on n'en a pas.
# Define compilation flags
# Include rules for creating a command line tool for Objective-C
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make

Then create a file named hello.m with the following content:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    NSLog(@"***Hello World!***");//This will output Hello World!
    [pool release];
    return 0;

Now open a command line window of GNUsetup Environment. You can choose Start / GNUstep / Shell
After the window opened, cd to folder that you have saved the code and make file, for example:
cd C:\objectiveC\HelloWorld
Next, type the command make
There will be a new folder with name "obj" added to the current folder. Now cd to obj folder, and run the compiled program with the following command

Voila! You've got Objective C in Windows. Let's learn more about Objective C from RyPress or any other site!!!
Enjoy Objective C ^_^.
Some day, I will continue studying Swift, although most developers should avoid Swift

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